Wall representing the characters created by Roberto Goméz Bolaños, such as Chaves and Chapolin Colorado. Detail of the blur on Chapolin.
Tag: State of São Paulo
Look my friends, it’s the Google Maps car
Artistic mural representing Silvio Santos ( ★ 1930 – † 2024)
Unfortunately, on August 17th of this year, the greatest communicator on Brazilian television and founder of SBT (Brazilian Television System), Senor Abravanel, better known as Silvio Santos, passed away as a result of a bronchopneumonia.
This work was done in collaboration with partners such as Paulo Terra, Pedro Terra and Edy Hp in 2022, after the presenter returned to his Sunday program after two years, due to the pandemic.
Boy in a suit made of a box
A finger for Google, but why?
The humanoid lagoon
Google doesn’t like Vin Diesel’s “Fast and Furious” movie
Rockstar auto mechanics and automotive services — such a store actually exists!
Cow gets scared by Google car and almost gets run over
This kid’s happiest (and most hurt) day when he saw Google Maps Car for the first time :)
Take a few steps forward (in reverse, in which the kid on the bike chases the vehicle) and see the moment of his fall 😯
I hope he’s well and happy 🙂