Oddity St Exclusive Ukraine Weird people Yandex March 24, 2021March 25, 2021 by Franz Franz · 3 comments Larger Please wait... Similar Street View images The exact moment How Google is welcomed in Hungary Call of nature I found another murder moment! Her favorite pet How to ride a bike properly I wonder if these two know that Google kept this scene since 2012… Cleaning his shirt in the puddle? Bro! You’re driving with the trunk open! No texting and driving funnyKharkivoddprank
You can see 7 more “wonders” on this street. Here there is a sad Santa Claus without a cap: https://yandex.ru/maps/geo/kharkiv/1445680235/?l=stv%2Csta&ll=36.304936%2C50.004496&panorama%5Bdirection%5D=85.223929%2C-12.543748&panorama%5Bfull%5D=true&panorama%5Bpoint%5D=36.344052%2C50.021503&panorama%5Bspan%5D=48.632487%2C23.361922&z=13
And after a few steps I realized who had stolen his cap. It’s these women walking ”in step”: https://yandex.ru/maps/geo/kharkiv/1445680235/?l=stv%2Csta&ll=36.304936%2C50.004496&panorama%5Bdirection%5D=311.504753%2C-17.850289&panorama%5Bfull%5D=true&panorama%5Bpoint%5D=36.345282%2C50.021311&panorama%5Bspan%5D=48.632487%2C23.361922&z=13 Funny.
And elsewhere in the city, all the “heroes” from this street gathered around the Yandex car: https://yandex.ru/maps/geo/kharkiv/1445680235/?l=stv%2Csta&ll=36.314034%2C50.002947&panorama%5Bdirection%5D=173.824451%2C0.468750&panorama%5Bfull%5D=true&panorama%5Bpoint%5D=36.332418%2C50.017658&panorama%5Bspan%5D=103.207549%2C60.000000&z=13 Look at the whole “round dance”!
You can see 7 more “wonders” on this street. Here there is a sad Santa Claus without a cap:
And after a few steps I realized who had stolen his cap. It’s these women walking ”in step”:
And elsewhere in the city, all the “heroes” from this street gathered around the Yandex car:
Look at the whole “round dance”!