Red coat man’s lucky day to see the Google car People Shiny happy people UK November 4, 2023November 1, 2023 by Mostafa Mostafa · Reply Link Please wait... Similar Street View images Father and Son enjoy Google Women in black coat gives a thumbs up, While women in gloves waves next to the glitched man Kids already know what the Google Maps Car is! Waving to the google car “Oh it’s The Google Map’s Car, I Will Do Something So People Can See Me” No face coat Red and Yellow MG B Google guy with three legs, tourist with his dog looking at the Google car, a security guard looking at the Google Trekker and the Google vehicle turned on ready to leave Curious motorcyclist sees Google car and crashes in front of a truck Military Land-Rover and red Reliant Scimitar convertible Glastonburyhellowavewaving