Happy New Year! 5 images per day in 2024! 🍾 πŸŽ‰

StreetViewFun.com · 7 comments

We posted more images in 2023 than any other year. A special thanks to everyone contributing! And a Happy New Year!

In this new year of 2024 we plan to continue to post 4 images per day. And starting today January 1st 2024, we also began posting 1 extra image per day at Patreon.

Extra content

Scheduled posts at Patreon.

At Patreon we will post NSFW images, accidents and other images that we can’t post here due to content guidelines by ad companies such as Google AdSense. There will also be a mix of odd and fun Street View images. Plus 7 days early access to YouTube videos (atleast once per month).

Will the images submitted here be posted at Patreon?
If it’s a nsfw image we can’t post here, we may decide to post it at Patreon instead. All the usual images you submit here will continue to be posted at streetviewfun.com.

Any other questions or suggestions?